REB logo Blue Distruibutor of Ropes Twines and briaids small

Distributor of Ropes, Twines & Braids

Since 1990 with years of experience, REB Marketing Rope Suppliers have been servicing the South African market with a wide range of synthetic and natural fiber ropes. Having grown from a small family business to a leader in the Rope Supplier industry, while still maintaining a close personal relationship with our customers. Our dedicated Rope Supplier Sales Team is there to help you find a product that serves your specific need.


Working in close association with Alpha Universal we’ve grown our product range to include a wide range of specialised fasteners. Servicing a similar industry and customer, we have formed a partnership that provides the customer with all their fastening and rope needs.

Our Promise To You

Our committed sales team strives to provide a quick turnaround time, making sure your business runs as efficiently as possible.

Customers reviews

What people say?

Quick to answer the phone. eager to make the effort to get you what you need.
Franz Fuls
100% good business , need a rope give them a call or visit them 🙂
Sandile Ntombela

Would you like to speed up the process?

Please give us a phone call & place your order prior to collection:

Or, email your order through to anyone in our sales team:

Gauteng Branch – Deon

KZN Branch – Kugasen

Please ensure orders are placed at least 2 hours prior to collection.